In 2012 Mercedes Carrabba was standing outside of the old attendant's room to the 1908 Market restrooms in Lower Post Alley. She had been inside of the space when she worked for the Market Merchant Association. It was dirty, weathered with time and would have stayed that way until she had the idea of remodeling it into a coffee shop.
Upon opening it was the meeting place for the Market Ghost Tours. The name "Ghost Alley Espresso" was chosen to pay respect to the purported hauntings in the area. Mercedes began roasting her own coffee in 2017 as Queen Anne Roasters. In 2018, Mercedes decided to sell her shop and focus on roasting.
Mike Buchwald took ownership in 2019 Ghost Alley Espresso went through some great changes. Mike brought in a Slayer Espresso machine. He and his staff worked closely with Middle Fork Roasters to create a one of a kind espresso roast, the Ghost Alley Blend.
Mike grew up in Seattle and operated numerous espresso carts in the height of the grunge era - also the height of espresso carts dotting the city streets. Mike lives in Seattle.